Publications of Flavio Tonidandel


My list of publications

The copyright of the papers is with the respective publishers. It is being reproduced here for timely dissemination of research information. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. 


International Publications


International Journals


Gurzoni, José Angelo ; MARTINS, Murilo Fernandes ; Tonidandel, Flavio ; Bianchi, Reinaldo A. C. .

On the construction of a RoboCup small size league team.

Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Impresso),  v. 17, p. 69-82, 2011


VAQUERO, Tiago Stegun ; SILVA, José Reinaldo ; TONIDANDEL, Flavio ; Beck, J. C. .

itSIMPLE: Towards an Integrated Design System for Real Planning Applications.

Knowledge Engineering Review (Online), 2011-2012 (to be published).



Organized Books


                Costa, A. C. R. (Org.) ; Viccari, R. M. (Org.) ; TONIDANDEL, Flavio (Org.) .

                Advances in Artificial Intelligence - 20th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Inteligence -

                SBIA 2010. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2010. v. 1. 313 p


                AQUINO JUNIOR, P. T. (Org.) ; TONIDANDEL, Flavio (Org.) .

                Proceedings of Joint Conference 2010 Workshops. 1. ed. Porto Alegre:

                Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2010. v. 1. 920 p



Book Chapters



MARTINS, Murilo Fernandes, TONIDANDEL, Flavio, BIANCHI, Reinaldo Augusto da Costa

Towards Model-based Vision Systems for Robot Soccer Teams In: Advanced Robotics Systems, 2007


International Conferences



1            TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Márcio. Case-based Planning in Transaction Logic Framework. In: 5TH

                      IFAC WORKSHOP ON INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, 1998, Gramado. Proceedings of

                      5th Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 1998. Great Britain: Pergamon, 1998. p. 281-286. [pdf]


2      TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Márcio. On the Treatment of the Ramification Problem with Transaction

                      Logic. In: 5TH IFAC WORKSHOP ON INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, 1998, Gramado.

                      Proceedings of 5th Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 1998. Great Britain: Pergamon, 1998.

                      p. 211-216. [pdf]


3      TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Márcio. Handling Cases and the Coverage in a Limited Quantity of

                      Memory for Case-based Planning Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Germany, v. 1952, p.

                      377-389, 2000. [pdf]


4      TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Márcio. An Accurate Adaptation-Guided Similarity Metric for Case-Based

                      Planning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Germany, v. 2080, p. 531-545, 2001. [pdf]


5      TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Márcio. Releasing Memory Space through a Case-deletion Policy with a

                      Lower bound for Residual Competence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Germany, v. 2080, p.

                      546-560, 2001. [pdf]


6      TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Márcio. The FAR-OFF system: A heuristic search case-based planning. In:

                      INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AI PLANNING & SCHEDULING (AIPS), 2002, Toulouse - França.

                      Proceedings of AIPS 2002. AAAI Press, 2002  [pdf].



7       TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Marcio. A Case Base Seeding for Case-Based Planning Systems. Lecture

                      Notes in Computer Science, v. 3315, p. 104-113, 2004. [pdf]


8             TONIDANDEL, Flavio; VAQUERO, Tiago; SILVA, José Reinaldo. The itSIMPLE tool for Modelling Planning Domains.

        In Workshop of the International Competition on Knowledge Engineering for Planning (ICKEP) at International

        Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS). 2005. [pdf]


9             TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Marcio. Case Adaptation by Segment Replanning for Case-Based Planning Systems.

        In International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning – ICCBR 05. 2005. [pdf]


10          TONIDANDEL, Flavio; VAQUERO, Tiago; SILVA, José Reinaldo; BARROS, Leliane Nunes.

          On the Use of UML.P for Modelling a Real Applicationn as a Planning Problem.

          In Proceedings of the ICAPS-06 – Cumbria, England. AAAI Press. 2006


11     TONIDANDEL, Flavio; VAQUERO, Tiago; SILVA, José Reinaldo. Reading PDDL, Writing na Object-Oriented Model.

          To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. International Joint Conference on AI IBERAMIA/SBIA.

          Springer-Verlag. 2006 [not available].


12     TONIDANDEL, Flavio; MARTINS, Murilo Fernandes, BIANCHI, Reinaldo A. A Fast Model Based Vision System

 for a Robot Soccer Team.  To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Mexican International Conference

 on AI - MICAI. Springer-Verlag. 2006 [not available].


  13    VAQUERO, Tiago Stegun, ROMERO, Victor, TONIDANDEL, Flavio, SILVA, José Reinaldo

itSIMPLE2.0: An integrated Tool for Designing Planning Environments In: International Conference on Planning and Scheduling, 2007, Providence.

  17th International Conference on Planning and Scheduling. Menlo Park - California: AAAI Press, 2007. [not available]


  14     UDO, Marcelo ; VAQUERO, Tiago Stegun ; SILVA, José Reinaldo ; TONIDANDEL, Flavio . Lean Software Development Domain. In: ICAPS 2008 - Workshop on Scheduling and Planning Applications, 2008, Sydney - Australia. ICAPS 2008 - Workshop on Scheduling and Planning Applications, 2008. v. 1.


15     VAQUERO, Tiago Stegun ; TONIDANDEL, Flavio ; SILVA, José Reinaldo . Suggestions for the Knowledge Engineering Competition. In: ICAPS 2008 - Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling, 2008, Sydney - Australia. ICAPS 2008 - Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling. v. 1


16     GOMES, Marcel Lira ; VAQUERO, Tiago Stegun ; SILVA, José Reinaldo ; TONIDANDEL, Flavio . Extracting State Constraints from UML Planning Models. In: ICAPS 2008 - Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling, 2008, Sydney - Australia. ICAPS 2008 - Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling, 2008. v. 1.


17     VAQUERO, Tiago Stegun ; SILVA, José Reinaldo ; Ferreira, Marcelo ; TONIDANDEL, Flavio ; Beck, J. C. . itSIMPLE3:0: From UML Requirements and Petri Net-based Analysis to PDDL Representation in the Process of Modeling Plans for Real Applications. In: ICAPS 2009 - International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 2009. Workshop on ICKEPS, 2009.



National Publications


National Magazines



             1      TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Márcio. Planejamento de Ações para Automação Inteligente da Manufatura.

                      Revista Gestão e Produção. Dezembro de 2002. [pdf]



National Conferences



             1       TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Márcio. O Uso da Lógica de Transações em Planejamento de Ações. In:

                      4O. SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMAÇÃO INTELIGENTE, 1999, São Paulo. Anais do 4 Simpósio

                      Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente. 1999. p. 239-244.[pdf]


             2       TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Márcio. An Efficient Case-Based planning System: Preliminary Results. In:

                      5O. SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMAÇÃO INTELIGENTE, 2001, Canela. Anais do 5 Simpósio

                      Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente. 2001. [pdf]


             3       TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Márcio. Sistema de Planejamento Baseado em Casos. In: 3 ENCONTRO

                      NACIONAL DE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL, 2001, Fortaleza. Anais do 3 encontro Nacional de

                      Inteligência Artificial. 2001. [pdf]


             4       TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Marcio. Improving the Planning Solution Quality by Replanning. In: 6.

                      SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMAÇÃO INTELIGENTE, 2003, Bauru. 2003. [pdf]


             5       TONIDANDEL, Flavio; RILLO, Marcio. On the Use of the ADG Similarity in Case-Based Planning

                      Systems. In: ENIA´03 - IV ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL, 2003, Campinas.

                      Anais do XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. 2003. [pdf]


             6       TONIDANDEL, Flavio; TAKIUCHI, Marcelo; MELO, Erica. Domotica Inteligente: Automacao Baseada Em

                      Comportamento. In: CBA 2004 - XV CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA, 2004, Gramado -

                      RS. Anais do XV Congresso Brasileiro de Automática. 2004. [pdf]


7             TONIDANDEL, Flavio; PENHARBEL, Eder Augusto; DESTRO, Ricardo de Carvalho; BIANCHI, Reinaldo

                      Augusto da Costa. Filtro de Imagem Baseado em Matriz RGB de Cores-Padrão para Futebol de Robôs.

                      In: I JORNADA DE ROBÓTICA INTELIGENTE, 2004, Salvador - BA. Anais do XXIV Congresso da

                      Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. 2004. [pdf]



8             TONIDANDEL, Flavio; CARNAES, Bruno, RODRIGUES, Bruno, CORDEIRO, Guilherme, GERARDI, Vinicius.


Anais do XXVI Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. 2006. [not available]


9             TONIDANDEL, Flavio; MARTINS, Murilo Fernandes, SATOMI, Ronaldo K., GURZONI JR, José Angelo, PEREIRA,

        Valquiria Fenelon, BIANCHI, Reinaldo Augusto C.  Equipe FEI06 de Futebol de Robôs. 

                      In: II JORNADA DE ROBÓTICA INTELIGENTE, 2006, Campo Grande-MS. Anais do XXVI Congresso da

                      Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. 2006. [not available]


10          TONIDANDEL, Flavio; MARTINS, Murilo Fernandes, BIANCHI, Reinaldo Augusto C.

Reconhecimento de Objetos em Tempo Real para Futebol de Robôs.

In: II JORNADA DE ROBÓTICA INTELIGENTE, 2006, Campo Grande-MS. Anais do XXVI Congresso da

                      Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. 2006. [not available]


11            TONIDANDEL, Flavio; SGARBI, Julio André. Aprendendo por Observação em uma Casa Inteligente.

In: Congresso Brasileiro de Automática 2006. Salvador. Brazil [pdf]


12           TONIDANDEL, Flavio; SGARBI, Julio André. Domótica Inteligente: Automação Residencial baseada em Comportamento.

In: Worshop de Teses e Dissertação em IA. International Joint Conference IBERAMIA/SBIA.  2006. [pdf]



             13     ROMERO, Victor, VAQUERO, Tiago Stegun, TONIDANDEL, Flavio, SILVA, José Reinaldo

Analysis and Management of Plans Provided by Automated Planning Systems In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente, 2007, Florianopolis.

  Anais do 8o. Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente. , 2007. [not available]


             14     VAQUERO, Tiago Stegun, TONIDANDEL, Flavio, BARROS, Leliane Nunes de, SILVA, José Reinaldo

Modeling a Real Application as Planning Problem by using UML.P In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente, 2007, Flaorianópolis.

  Anais do 8o. Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente. , 2007. [not available]


             15     GOMES, Marcel Lira, UDO, Marcelo, VAQUERO, Tiago Stegun, TONIDANDEL, Flavio, SILVA, José Reinaldo

Obtaining State Invariants from Class Diagram in UML.P In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteigente, 2007, Florianópolis.

  Anais do 8o. Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente. , 2007. [not available]



  14    GURZONI JR, José Angelo ; MARTINS, Murilo Fernandes ; TONIDANDEL, Flavio ; BIANCHI, Reinaldo Augusto da Costa .


          n: Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligence - SBAI, 2009, Brasilia. Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação inteligente, 2009




          A Case Study of a Computer Vision System Coupled with a Eletric Steering Column for an Unmanned Vehicle.

          In: ROBOCONTROL 2010, 2010, Bauru-SP. 4th Workshop in Applied Robotics and Automation - Robocontrol 2010, 2010.





Last updated:  May 27, 2011.  The copyright of the papers is with the respective publishers.  It is being reproduced here for timely dissemination of research information.