Paulo Sergio Rodrigues

Computer scientist and researcher at the FEI university center

Computer Vision and Computer Graphic Researcher. Bachelor Degree (1996), Master Degree (1999), Doctoral Degree (2003), Pos-Doctoral (2006). Head of ImmersiveLab

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Paulo Sergio

About Professor Rodrigues

Researcher, Educator and Innovator

Professor Rodrigues received his Bachelor degree of Computer Science in 1996, and a M.Sc. degree also in Computer Science (1999) and Doctor of Computer Science (2003) from Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Between 2003 and 2007 was a post-doctor researcher in National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He joined Ignatian Educational Foundation (FEI) in 2007 as a full professor, teaching disciplines of Final Course Projects, Computer Graphics for undergraduate courses, and Computer Vision for post-graduate course. His main line of research involves Cognitive Computer Vision, focusing on developing applications for object recognition and scene understanding inspired by biological-neural processes both in low level and high level processing. These processes, mainly include: collaboration and competition between sensors of color, shape and movement; plasticity of topological structures and how the context is processed in cognitive mammalian systems. In order to answer related questions, he has developed models inspired in Complex Systems, Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics and Meta-Models for simulating the human visual system inspired in Cognitive Neuroscience.

Computer Vision Computer Graphics
Journals Conferences Magazines
PhD Master Undergraduate
Cognition Computer Vision Search Web for Big Data Shared Augmented Reality
Computer Graphic Simulations Programming Contest
Immersive Lab

Immersibe Lab

The Immersivelab, inaugurated in 2019, is a laboratory of the Centro Universitário FEI, under the Computer Science Department, which brings together projects in the areas of Cognitive Computational Vision, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Video 360, involving immersive worlds technologies. It is a laboratory that gathers projects of companies and students of several levels and courses, including graduate, masters, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows with great interest in these and related areas.