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Salvador Pinillos Gimenez


Integrated Electronics Devices

Electrical Engineering Department

FEI University Center

Av. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, 3972 - Assunção

Sao Bernardo do Campo - Sao Paulo - Brazil - CEP 09850-901

Tel:  +55 (0)11 4353 2910 (ext. 2184)

Fax: +55 (0)11 4109 5994


I am an Full Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Centro Universitário da FEI (FEI-SP), Sao Paulo, Brazil.  In 1984, I received my B.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering from UMC, São Paulo, Brazil.  I obtained the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Microelectronic Lab. of São Paulo University (LME/EPUSP) in 1990.  In October 2004, I obtained the Ph.D. degree in Microelectronics in 2004. My general interests are in SOI transistors, FinFETs, power devices, and analog circuits design (Lattes cv, in Portuguese).


1. ARRABACA, Devair; GIMENEZ S. P., Eletrônica de Potência - Conversores de Energia CA/CC - Teoria, Prática e Simulação. 1. ed. São Paulo: Érica, 2011. v. 1. 336p .

2. GIMENEZ, S. P. . Microcontroladores 8051 - Teoria e Prática. 1. ed. São Paulo: Erica, 2010. v. 1. 320 p.

3. GIMENEZ, S. P., Microcontroladores 8051. 1. ed. São Paulo: Prentice Hall (Pearson Education), 2002. v. 1. p. 300, ISBN 85-87918-28-1.



1. De Lima, J. ; Gimenez, S. ; Cirne, K., MODELING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF OVERLAPPING CIRCULAR-GATE MOSFET AND ITS APPLICATION TO POWER DEVICES. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, v. 27, p. 1622-1631, 2012.

2. Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli da Silveira ; Klaus Huscher Cirne ; Jader de Alves de Lima Filho ; Luis Eduardo Seixas ; N. H. Medina ; M. H. Tabacniks ; added, N ; Gimenez, S. ; W. Melo ; M. B. Dupret, Performance of Electronics Devices Submitted to X-ray and High Energy Proton Beams. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (Print), v. 11, p. 00702-00707, 2011.

3. Klaus Huscher Cirne ; Jader de Alves de Lima Filho ; Luis Eduardo Seixas ; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli da Silveira ; marcel barbosa ; Manfredo Tabacnicks ; Nemitala Added ; GIMENEZ, S. P. ; Nilberto Medina ; Wellington Melo, Comparative Study of the Proton Beam Effects between the Conventional and Circular Gate MOSFETs. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (Print), v. 11, p. 688-691, 2011.

4. Gimenez, Salvador Pinillos ; Alati, Daniel Manha ; Simoen, Eddy ; Claeys, CorFISH SOI MOSFET: Modeling, Characterization and Its Application to Improve the Performance of Analog ICs. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 158, p. H1258-H1264, 2011.

5. GIMENEZ, S. P., Diamond MOSFET: An innovative layout to improve performance of ICs. Solid-State Electronics, v. 54, p. 1690-1699, 2010.

6. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; PAVANELLO, M ; MARTINO, J ; FLANDRE, D, Gain improvement in operational transconductance amplifiers using Graded-Channel SOI nMOSFETS. Microelectronics (Luton) (Cessou em 1978. Cont. ISSN 0959-8324 Microelectronics Journal), Oxford, United Kingdom, v. 37, n.1, p. 31-37, 2006.


Accepted to be published

1. Rodrigo Alves de Lima Moreto ; Thiago Turcato do Rego ; Antonio Leme ; Carlos Eduardo Thomaz ; Gimenez, Salvador Pinillos, PROJETO DE UM OTA CMOS POR MEIO DE UM SISTEMA EVOLUCIONÁRIO INTEGRADO AO SPICE. Controle & Automação (Impresso), SBA, 2012.



1. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; BELLODI, Marcello, MOSFETdo tipo Diamante (Diamond MOSFET). Data do Depósito: 07/08/2008; PI0802745-5 A2; Data da Publicação: 23/03/2010; (RPI 2046).. 2008, Brasil. Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: PI08027455, data de depósito: 07/08/2008, título: "MOSFETdo tipo Diamante. Data do Depósito: 07/08/2008; PI0802745-5 A2; Data da Publicação: 23/03/2010; (RPI 2046)." . Instituição(ões) financiadora(s): Centro Universitario da FEI.

2. GIMENEZ, S. P., Wave Transistor (S geometric shape): Novo Estrutrura de Leiaute que visa obter alta integracao, casamento entre dispositivos e reduzir os efeitos dos Efeitos das Descargas Eletrostáticas (ESD). Data de Depósito: 07/08/2008; PI0802634-3 A2; Data da Publicação: 30/03/2010; (RPI 2047).. 2008, Brasil. Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: PI08026343, data de depósito: 07/08/2008, título: "Wave Transistor (S geometric shape): Novo Estrutrura de Leiaute que visa obter alta integracao, casamento entre dispositivos e reduzir os efeitos dos Efeitos das Descargas Eletrostáticas (ESD). Data de Depósito: 07/08/2008; PI0802634-3 A2; Data da Publicação: 30/03/2010; (RPI 2047)." . Instituição(ões) financiadora(s): Centro Universitário da FEI.

3. Jose Carlos de Souza Junior ; Jose Carlos de Souza Junior ; Salvador P. Gimenez . Sistema de Eletroestimulação Gástrico, numero de registro de patente 018080068021 (03/11/2008), PI0823403-5, INPI, Brasil. 2008, Brasil. Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: PI08234035, data de depósito: 03/01/2008, título: "Sistema de Eletroestimulação Gástrico, numero de registro de patente 018080068021 (03/11/2008), PI0823403-5, INPI, Brasil" .

4. GIMENEZ, S. P., Poligonal MOSFET. Protocolo INPI de solicitação de pedido de patente (Brasil) nº 018090041171 (28/08/2009), Data do Depósito: 28/08/2009, PI0903005-0 A2, Data da Publicação: 10/05/2011 (RPI: 2105). 2009, Brasil. Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: PI09030050, data de depósito: 28/08/2009, título: "Poligonal MOSFET. Protocolo INPI de solicitação de pedido de patente (Brasil) nº 018090041171 (28/08/2009), Data do Depósito: 28/08/2009, PI0903005-0 A2, Data da Publicação: 10/05/2011 (RPI: 2105)" . Instituição(ões) financiadora(s): Centro Universitário da FEI.

5. GIMENEZ, S. P., Circular Eyes MOSFET, Protocolo INPI de solicitação de pedido de patente (Brasil) nº 018090053819 (02/12/2009).. 2009, Brasil. Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: PI09052895, data de depósito: 02/12/2009, título: "Circular Eyes MOSFET, Protocolo INPI de solicitação de pedido de patente (Brasil) nº 018090053819 (02/12/2009)." . Instituição(ões) financiadora(s): Centro Universitário da FEI.

6. Salvador P. Gimenez . Leiaute PEIXE para inovação de transistores de circuitos integrados, numero de Protocolo: 018110013112, Data do Depósito: 11/04/2011, Número da Patente: PI1101477-6, Data da Publicação: 2012/2011 (RPI: 2143). 2011, Brasil. Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: PI11014776, data de depósito: 11/04/2011, título: "Leiaute PEIXE para inovação de transistores de circuitos integrados, numero de Protocolo: 018110013112, Data do Depósito: 11/04/2011, Número da Patente: PI1101477-6, Data da Publicação: 2012/2011 (RPI: 2143)" .


Recent works

1. Alati, Daniel Manha ; Salvador P. Gimenez ; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli da Silveira ; Luis Eduardo Seixas ; Wellington Melo. Experimental Comparative Study of the X-Ray Radiation Effects Between the Threshold Voltages of the Diamond and Conventional Layout Styles. In: EURO SOI 2012, 2012, Montpellier, França. EUROSOI 2012. Montpellier: EUROSOI, 2012. v. 1. p. 53-54.

2. Leonardo Navarenho S. Fino ; Christian Renaux ; FLANDRE, Denis ; Salvador P. Gimenez . Experimental Study of the OCTO SOI nMOSFET to Improve the Device Performance. In: EUROSOI 2012, 2012, Montpellier, França. EUROSOI 2012. Montpellier: EUROSOI, 2012. v. 1. p. 55-56.

3. Rafael Navarenho de Souza ; Salvador P. Gimenez . Experimental Study of the Wave Layout Style to Improve the Device Performance. In: EUROSOI 2012, 2012, Montpellier, França. EUROSOI 2012. Montpellier: EUROSOI, 2012. v. 1. p. 81-82.

4. Salvador P. Gimenez ; Gabriel Augusto da Silva . Comparative Study Between The Conventional Power MOSFET and the Overlapping Circular-Gate Transistor. In: EUROSOI 2012, 2012, Montpellier, França. EUROSOI 2012. Montpellier: EUROSOI, 2012. v. 1. p. 83-84.

5. Leonardo Navarenho S. Fino ; Christian Renaux ; FLANDRE, Denis ; Gimenez, Salvador Pinillos. Experimental Study of the OCTO SOI nMOSFET and Its Application in Analog Integrated Circuits. In: SBMicro 2012 - 27th SYMPOSIUM ON MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES, 2012, Brasília. SBMicro 2012 - 27th SYMPOSIUM ON MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES. Brasília: SBC, 2012. v. 1. p. 1-8.

6. Rafael Navarenho de Souza ; Gimenez, Salvador Pinillos . Experimental Comparative Study Between the Wave Layout Style and its Conventional Counterpart for Implementation of Analog Integrated Circuits. In: SBMicro 2012 - 27th SYMPOSIUM ON MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES, 2012, Brasília. SBMicro 2012 - 27th SYMPOSIUM ON MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES. Brasília: SBC, 2012. v. 1. p. 1-1.

7. Vinicius Vono Peruzzi ; Christian Renaux ; FLANDRE, Denis ; Gimenez, Salvador Pinillos . Experimental Validation of the Drain Current Analytical Model of the Fully Depleted Diamond SOI nMOSFETs by Using T-test Statistical Evaluation. In: SBMicro 2012 - 27th SYMPOSIUM ON MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES, 2012, Brasília. SBMicro 2012 - 27th SYMPOSIUM ON MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES. Brasília: SBC, 2012. v. 1. p. 1-8.

8. Enrico Davini Neto ; Gimenez, Salvador Pinillos . Diamond FinFET. In: SBMicro 2012 - 27th SYMPOSIUM ON MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES, 2012, Brasília. SBMicro 2012 - 27th SYMPOSIUM ON MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES. Brasília: SBC, 2012. v. 1. p. 1-8.

9. de Lima Moreto, R. A. ; Thomaz, C. E. ; GIMENEZ, S. P. . AGSPICE: A new analog ICs design tool based on evolutionary electronics used for extracting additional design recommendations. In: 2012 International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICCDCS 2012), 2012, Playa del Carmen. 2012 8th International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICCDCS). v. 1. p. 1-4.

10. Salvador P. Gimenez ; Alati, Daniel Manha ; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli da Silveira ; Wellington Melo ; Luis Eduardo Seixas ; N. H. Medina ; Nemitala Added ; Manfredo Tabacnicks . Trabalho aprovado para apresentação oral no RADECS 2012 cujo título é Improving The Protons Radiation-Robustness Of Integrated Circuits By Using The Diamond Layout Style. In: RADECS 2012, 2012, Biarritz. RADECS 2012, 2012. v. 1.

11. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; Daniel Manha Alati . OCTO SOI MOSFET: An Evolution of the Diamond To Be Used In the Analog Integrated Circuits. In: EUROSOI 2011, 2011, Granada. EUROSOI 2011, VII Workshop of the Thematic Network on Silicon On Insulator Tecnhology, Devices and Circuits. Granada: Universidade de Granada, 2011. v. 1. p. 91-92.

12. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; Raffaello Claser ; Daniel Manha Alati . Using Diamond SOI nMOSFET fo Improve the Frequency Response of the Analog Integrated Circuits. In: EUROSOI 2011, 2011, Granada. EUROSOI 2011, VII Workshop of the Thematic Network on Silicon On Insulator Tecnhology, Devices and Circuits. Granada: Universidade de Granada, 2011. v. 1. p. 109-110.

13. Salvador P. Gimenez ; Daniel Manha Alati . FISH SOI MOSFET: An Evolution of the Diamond SOI Transistor for Digital ICs Applications. In: 219th ECS Meeting, 2011, Montreal. Advanced Semiconductor-on-Insulator Technology and Related Physics 15. Montreal: Electronchemical Society, 2011. v. 35. p. 163-168.

14. Klaus Huscher Cirne ; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli da Silveira ; Jader de Alves de Lima Filho ; Luis Eduardo Seixas ; Gimenez, S. . X-ray Radiation Effects in Circular-Gate Transistors. In: 219th ECS Meeting, SOI Symposium, 2011, Montreal. Advanced Semiconductor-on-Insulator Technology and Related Physics 15. Montreal: Electrochemical Society, 2011. v. 35. p. 259-264.

15. Rodrigo Alves de Lima Moreto ; Carlos Eduardo Thomaz ; Salvador P. Gimenez . Correlation Study of MOSFETs Inversion Regimes of an OTA by Using Evolutionary Electronics. In: First WorkShop on Circuits and Systems Design, 2011, João Pessoa, Paraíba. First WorkShop on Circuits and Systems Design. SBCCI: SBCCI, 2011. v. 1. p. 1-4.

16. Antonio Leme ; Gimenez, S. ; Carlos Eduardo Thomaz . Desvendando os Limites de Otimização de um OTA CMOS por meio da Eletrônica Evolucionária Extrínseca. In: X Simpósio Brasileiro de Automática - SBAI 2011 (SBAI 2011), 2011, São João Del Rei, Minas Gerais. X Simpósio Brasileiro de Automática - SBAI 2011 (SBAI 2011). Minas Gerais: SBA, 2011. v. 1. p. 1-4

17. Denis Rodrigo de Oliveira ; GIMENEZ, S. P. . Comparative Study of the Effective Channel Length Between Cynthia and Pillar VSG SOI MOSFETs. In: EUROSOI 2010, 2010, Grenoble. EUROSOI 2010. EUROSOI : EUROSOI, 2010. v. 1.

18. Daniel Manha Alati ; GIMENEZ, S. P. . Comparative Experimental Study Between Diamond And Conventional MOSFET. In: 218th ECS Meeting, 2010, Las Vegas, NV. E14 ~ E22 - SiGe, Ge, and Related Compounds: Materials, Processing, and Devices 4.

19. Klaus Huscher Cirne ; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli da Silveira ; Jader de Alves de Lima Filho ; N. H. Medina ; GIMENEZ, S. P. . X-Ray Radiation Effects in Overllaping Circular-Gate MOSFETs. In: 1st Brazilian-German Workshop on Micro and Nano Electronics, 2010, Rio Grande do Sul. Procedings of 1st Brazilian-German Workshop on Micro and Nano Electronics. Rio Grande do Sul, 2010.

20. GIMENEZ, S. P. . Voltage Gain Improvement in Analog Circuits Applications by Using Cynthia/VSG SOI MOSFETs. In: EURO SOI 2009, 2009, Gotemburgo. Fifth WorkShop of the Tematic Network on Silicon on Insulator Technology Devices and Circuits.. Gotemburo : NanoSIL Network of Excellence, 2009. v. 1. p. 63-64.

21. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; BELLODI, Marcello . Applications of the Cross SOI MOSFET in Analog and Digital ICs. In: EURO SOI 2009, 2009, Gotemburgo. Fifth WorkShop of the Tematic Network on Silicon on Insulator Technology Devices and Circuits.. Gotemburo, Suecia : NanoSIL Network of Excellence, 2009. v. 1. p. 71-72.

22. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; BELLODI, Marcello . Diamond SOI MOSFET: A New Drain and Source/Channel Interface Layout to Improve Drain Current.. In: EURO SOI 2009, 2009, Gotemburgo. Fifth WorkShop of the Tematic Network on Silicon on Insulator Technology Devices and Circuits.. Gotemburo, Suecia : NanoSIL Network of Excellence, 2009. v. 1. p. 87-88.

23. GIMENEZ, S. P. . The Wave SOI MOSFET: A New Accuracy Transistor Layout to Improve Drain Current and Reduce Die Area for Current Drivers Applications (Periodico Qualis B5 CAPES). In: 215th ECS Meeting, ECS Transactions, 2009, San Francisco, CA. Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices 14, ECS Transactions, ISSN 1938-5862 (print) 1938-6737 (online). Washington : Electrochemical Society, ECS Transactions, 2009. v. 19. p. 153-158.

24. Jader de Alves de Lima Filho ; GIMENEZ, S. P. . A Novel Overlapping Circular-Gate Transistor (O-CGT) and Its Application to Analog Design. In: EAMTA 09, 2009, Barilochi. EAMTA 09, 2009. v. 1.

25. Denis Rodrigo de Oliveira ; GIMENEZ, S. P. . Using Cynthia SOI MOSFET to Improve Voltage Gain of Analog Integrated Circuits (Periodico Qualis B5 CAPES). In: 24th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices, ECS Transactions, ISSN 1938-5862 (print) 1938-6737 (online), 2009, Natal. SBMicro 2009. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte : Electrochemical Society, ECS Transactions, 2009. v. 1. p. 381-388.

26. Jader de Alves de Lima Filho ; GIMENEZ, S. P. . A Novel Ovarlaping Circular-Gate Transistor and its Application to Power MOSFETs (Periodico Qualis B5 CAPES). In: 24th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices, ECS Transactions, ISSN 1938-5862 (print) 1938-6737 (online), 2009, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. SBMicro 2009. Pennington, New Jersey : Electrochemical Society, ECS Transactions, 1938-5862 (print), 1938-6737 (online), 2009. v. 23. p. 361-369.

27. BELLODI, Marcello ; GIMENEZ, S. P. . Drain Leakage Current Evaluation in the Diamond SOI nMOSFET at High Temperatures (Periodico Qualis B5 CAPES). In: 216th ECS Meeting, ECS Transactions, 2009, Viena, Austria. E1 - Analytical Techniques for Semiconductor Materials and Process Characterization 6. Pennington, New Jersey : Electrochemical Society, ECS Transactions, ISSN 1938-5862 (print) 1938-6737 (online), 2009. v. 1. p. 1-1.

28. Dantas, Leandro Poloni ; GIMENEZ, S. P. . Comparison between Harmonic Distortion in Circular Gate and Conventional SOI nMOSFET using 0.13 um Partially-Depleted SOI CMOS Technology. In: 212th ECS Meeting, vol. 11, number 3, p. 85-96 (2007), Washington, DC, EUA.

29. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; GOMES, Rogerio Laureano ; PAVANELLO, Marcelo Antonio . Flicker Noise Analysis in CMOS OTA Using Fully Depleted Graded-Channel SOI nMOSFET. In: EUROSOI 2007 - Third Workshop of the Thematic Network on Silicon On Insulator Technology, Devices and Circuits, 2007, Leuven, Belgium. EUROSOI 2007 - Third Workshop of the Thematic Network on Silicon On Insulator Technology, Devices and Circuits, 2007. v. I. p. 74-75.

30. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; FERREIRA, Rodrigo Mazzutti Gomes ; MARTINO, Joao Antonio . Early Voltage Behavior in Circular Gate SOI nMOSFET Using 0.13 um Partially-Depleted SOI CMOS Technology. In: SBMicro 2006, 2006, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais. Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMicro 2005. Massachusetts. : The Electrochemical Society, Inc., 2006. v. 1. p. 502-511.

15. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; PAVANELLO, Marcelo Antonio ; MARTINO, Joao Antonio ; FLANDRE, Denis . Implementation of High Performance Operational Transconductance Amplifiers using Graded-Channel SOI nMOSFETs. In: 12th International Symposium on Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices, 2005, Quebec - Canada. Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices XII - Proceedings of the International Symposium. Pennington, NJ, USA : Electrochemical Society, Inc., 2005. v. 2005-3. p. 69-74.

31. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; PAVANELLO, Marcelo Antonio ; MARTINO, Joao Antonio ; FLANDRE, Denis . Potential of Improved Gain in Operational Transconductance Amplifier Using 0.5 um Graded-Channel SOI nMOSFET for Applications in the Gigahertz Range. In: Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMICRO 2005, 2005, Florianópolis - Santa Catarina. Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMICRO 2005. NJ, USA : The Electrochemical Society, Inc., 2005. v. 2005-8. p. 502-511.

32. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; PAVANELLO, Marcelo Antonio ; MARTINO, Joao Antonio . Design of Operational Transconductance Amplifiers with Improved Gain by Using Graded-Channel SOI nMOSFETs. In: 16th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design, SBCCI 2003, 2003, São Paulo. SBCCI-2003 - Chip in Sampa. CA - USA : IEEE Computer Socity, 2003. v. 1. p. 26-31.

33. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; PAVANELLO, Marcelo Antonio ; MARTINO, João Antonio . A simple analytical model of Graded-Channel SOI nMOSFET Transconductance. In: Microelectronics Technology and Devices - SBMICRO 2002- XVII International Symposium., 2002, Porto Alegre - Rio Grande Sul. Electrochemical Society Proceedings Volume 2002-8., 2002. v. 2002-8. p. 45-54.

34. GIMENEZ, S. P. ; MARTINO, João Antonio ; PAVANELLO, Marcelo Antonio . Behavior of the Graded-Channel Fully-Depleted SOI nMOSFET in Subthreshold Regime. In: SBMicro-2001, 2001, Pirenópolis - GO - Brazil. XVI International Conference on Microelectronics and Packaging, 2001. v. 1. p. 189-192.

Last updatedAugust 22, 2012.  Copyright of these papers, reproduced here for timely dissemination of research information, is with the respective publishers.