October, 19th to 21st, 2022

Workshop de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica (WTDR) e Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica (CTDR)

The most important robotics conference of Latin America.
About WTDR

WTDR 2022 is part of LARS/SBR 2022, which will be held on October 19-21, 2022 . WTDR provides an opportunity for PhD and MSc students in Brazil to present their ongoing and/or recently concluded research with a panel of established researchers in Robotics.The workshop aims to:

Provide a setting for mutual feedback on participants’ current research and guidance on future research directions; Develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research; Contribute to the conference goals through interaction of graduate students with other researchers as well as participation in conference events; Increase the visibility of ongoing work for the academic and industrial community.

About CTDR:

CTDR 2022 will take place in parallel to WTDR 2022. The main goals of CTDR are to divulge and award the best academic work in Robotics concluded in Brazilian Universities from October, 2020 to September, 2022 (works that have already participated in past events will not be able to compete again). CTDR expects papers with concluded work, with evaluation and results. Selected works will be presented and judged during ROBOTICA 2022 (it is intended to have a hybrid event, with in-person or virtual presentations). Notice that in the submission phase, the main object of judgment is the paper; while during the conference, the main object of judgment is the full thesis or dissertation (that is submitted along with the paper).

Important Note: Papers submitted to CTDR and WTDR should differ from other publications of the author, this includes submissions to LARS 2022. Please make sure that your paper is not a copy/partial copy of your previously published work, thus avoiding auto-plagiarism issues.

2022 CTDR Results

Click here
Topics of Interest

WTDR/CTDR welcome research work in Robotics topics. They include but are not limited to:

  • Vision in robotics and automation
  • Symbol mediated robot behavior control
  • Sensory mediated robot behavior control
  • Active sensory processing and control
  • Industrial applications of autonomous systems
  • Sensor modeling and data interpretation (e.g. Models and software for sensor data integration, 3D scene analysis, environment description and modeling, pattern recognition)
  • Robust techniques in AI and sensing (e.g. Uncertainty modeling, graceful degradation of systems)
  • Robot programming
  • Multi-robot and multi-agents, cooperation and collaboration
  • CAD-based robotics (e.g. CAD-based vision, reverse engineering)
  • Robot simulation and visualization tools
  • Tele-autonomous systems
  • Micro-electromechanical robots
  • Robot control architectures
  • Robot planning, communication, adaptation and learning
  • Mechanical design
  • Robot soccer
  • Evolutionary robotics
  • Robots for robotic surgery and rehabilitation
  • Micro/nano robotics, new devices and materials for robots
  • Micro/nano robotics, new devices and materials for robots
  • Recognition and synthesis of voice and natural language generation
  • Education issues in robotics
  • Computing architectures
  • Sensor networks, architectures of embedded hardware and software
  • Self-localization, mapping and navigation
  • Aerial vehicles
  • Mobile robot platforms
  • Underwater robots
Important Dates
  • Manuscript submission: August 15th, 2022 (Extended)
  • Notification of Acceptance: September, 16th, 2022
  • Camera Ready Submission: September 30th, 2022
  • Conference date: October 19th to 21th, 2022
Paper Submission and Review:

Papers can be written in English or in Portuguese and must not exceed 10 pages (WTDR) and 12 pages (CTDR), including title, abstract, all tables, figures, and references. Authors should use the style file of SBC. More detailed information can be found at: SBC Template

We expect submission of papers to WTDR with research purposes and appropriate motivation, literature review, and methods. Results (preliminary, at least) are desirable, but not necessary. Submission to CTDR expects papers with concluded work, with evaluation and results.

Papers should include the following information in the first page after the abstract: student level (MSc or PhD) and expected date of conclusion or the date of conclusion (CTDR). In addition, include the name of the advisor (and co-advisors) as co-authors. Articles must have abstract and keywords (if written in Portuguese, abstract and keywords in English and, also, in Portuguese).

Submissions violating the formatting guidelines will be excluded from the reviewing process. Only papers in pdf format will be accepted.

Papers must be submitted using the JEMS system: https://jems.sbc.org.br/

The five best papers submitted to the CTDR on each category (M.Sc. and Phd) will be presented at the CTDR while the remaining will be presented together with the accepted WTDR papers. All WTDR and CTDR papers will be published in online proceedings, with DOI and ISBN, at SOL - SBC

As additional motivation, at least one of the top three works/authors from the CTDR will be awarded with an invitation to publish in the Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems - JINT

At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered and attend the conference to present the work. We recommend that the students present their works, as the events may be a valuable experience for them.


Accepted papers for the MSc / PhD Contest in Robotics (CTDR):

Title Track Authors
Exteroceptive Modeling Via Cliffords Algebra for Confined Environment Trajectory of the Movemaster RV-M2 Robot CTDR - MSc Jonathan Cerbaro
Andre Schneider de Oliveira
João Fabro
Path Planning Algorithms in Unknown and Unstructured Environments for UAVs CTDR - MSc Lidia Rocha
Kelen Vivaldini
Controlador desacoplado livre de modelo para caminhada de robôs humanoides CTDR - MSc Maria Tejada-Begazo
Esther Colombini
Alexandre Simões
Odometria Multifrequência para Veículos Aéreos Autônomos CTDR - MSc Patrick Ferreira
Esther Colombini
Aprendizado procedimental e sensório-motor em robôs cognitivos CTDR - MSc Leonardo Rossi
Letícia Berto
Eric Rohmer
Paula Dornhofer Paro Costa
Ricardo Gudwin
Esther Colombini
Alexandre Simões
Learning by Demonstration of Coordinated Plans in Multiagent Systems CTDR - PhD Marco Antonio Simões
Tatiane Nogueira
Um Método para Localização de Veículos Subaquáticos Baseado em Imagens Visíveis Aéreas e Acústicas Subaquáticas CTDR - PhD Matheus Machado dos Santos
Paulo Lilles Drews Jr
Silvia Botelho
Decisão Consensual em Sistemas Multirrobôs CTDR - PhD Vivian Cremer Kalempa
Andre Schneider de Oliveira
Terrain-Aware Autonomous Exploration of Unstructured Confined Spaces CTDR - PhD Héctor Azpúrua
Mario Fernando Campos
Douglas Guimarães Macharet
Mapeamento e Localização Simultâneos em Ambientes Dinâmicos usando Detecção de Pessoas CTDR - PhD Joao Soares
Marcelo Gattass
Marco Meggiolaro

Accepted papers for the Workshop (WTDR) (these tracks were changed from CTDR to WTDR):

Title Track Authors
Sistema adaptativo para teleoperação de uma base móvel através de reconhecimento gestual WTDR Dieisson Martinelli,
Andre Schneider de Oliveira,
João Fabro
Human Interactions in Semi-Autonomous Systems of Remotely Piloted Aircraft WTDR Richard Miranda,
Edison Ishikawa
Study on the comfort of people in spatial interactions with a social robot WTDR Fagner de Assis Moura Pimentel
Comportamento Coletivo e Bioinspirado para Sistemas Multirrobô WTDR Ronnier Rohrich,
Andre Schneider de Oliveira,
José Lima
Prof. Dr. Danilo H. Perico
(Centro Universitário FEI, SP, Brazil)
Prof. Dr. Julio C. P. Melo
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, RN, Brazil)
