LSI/DAIA - Division of Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Flexible Assembling Cell

The picture shows the LSI flexible assembling cell. It is composed by two Mitsubishi Melfa ME-RD1 robots , a sensorial system with several video cameras , 3 Sun Workstations and 3 IBM Personal Computers. The description of the data processing equipment , the local network and of the cameras can be found in the DAIA's lab html page .

One of the cameras can be seen above the workarea in between the two robots. The robots have five degrees-of-freedom each one. They work cooperatively to perform assembling tasks and complex manipulations of objects. See below for some demos showing examples of these tasks. Further, there is a description of the project and the associated partners and funding sources.

Videos / Demos

Following there are some demos available showing the robot's doing some simple tasks. Some of them are MPEG videos already presented on brasilian TV programs.

Two robots playing with Rubik's cube as a coordinated task.
Two robots serving coffee as a coordinated task. (3.0 Mb Mpeg)
Moving around. (852 Kb)
The robot drawing a woman's face image taken with the vision system. (1.4 Mb Mpeg)
Grasping an object guided by vision. (1.0 Mb Mpeg)
Robot Playing Towers of Hanoi with toy pieces. (333 Kb Mpeg)
Here we have some GIF images

Internet robot interface - Play with our robot through the Internet

This project is being developed jointly with the Institute fur Prozessrechentechnik und Robotik of the University of Kalrsruhe , Germany , with funding from the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk and of the brazilian governmental agency CNPq.