The main workbench of our lab is a flexible assembling cell , developed in a joint project with the Institute fur Prozessrechentechnik und Robotik of the University of Kalrsruhe , Germany , with funding from the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk and of the brazilian governmental agency CNPq.
The laboratory is equiped with the following facilities:
The data processing equipment is connected in an ethernet bus as a local sub-network of the LSI net. The structure of this sub-net is shown below. One of the AT-386 and the Apollo workstation are not shown in the picture, because they play an auxiliary role in the lab (the 386 is for text edition and the Apollo is used as a terminal of a LSI's Silicon Graphics Power supercomputer). The sun workstations have women names and the PCs have names of sky bodies. The PCs are connected with PC-NFS to the ethernet.
There is a study on course to define an architecture and network that properly accounts to the real-time requirements of the automation lab. This study is being conducted by Lucia R. H. Franco and Pedro Frosi Rosa .