LSI/DAIA - Division of Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Computer Vision and Image Processing Applications

The DAIA division has developed pioneering research in computer vision since 1988 and has several applications of image processing jointly developed with other centers.

The R&D activities in this area are:

These projects involves several aspects of vision research currently on study at the lab :

Computer Vision and Image Processing Researchers at the DAIA / LSI

Briand de Souza Moreira Junior - MSc Student
Claudio Katsumi Yoshihiro - Undergrad Student
Fabio Cerioni Ferraz - MSc Student
Gelio Mendes Ferreira - PhD Student
Joao Eduardo Kogler Junior - PhD Student
Luiz Alexandre Reali Costa (Tuca) - MSc Student
Nelma Aparecida Fernandes Lopes - MSc Student
Mikael Roberto Kiremitdjian - MSc Student
Vinicius Silva Matsumoto - Undergrad Student
Reinaldo Augusto da Costa Bianchi - MSc Student

Researchers with which we have cooperation

Anna Helena R.C. Rillo , PhD - EPUSP / PCS
Davi Geiger , PhD - NYU / Courant
David Jacobs , PhD - NEC Research Institute
Prof. Dora Fix Ventura ,PhD - IPUSP
Josiane Zerubia , PhD - INRIA
Junior Barrera , PhD - IMEUSP
Lincoln Assis de Moura , PhD - InCor/FMUSP
Ronen Basri , PhD - Weizmann Institute

Institutions with which we have cooperation

Computer Vision Resources

International resources

The Computer Vision Page - Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh - USA - You find links for places in a worldwide Computer Vision web , image databases , lists of publications , conferences , software and several related services

Brazilian resources

Khoros homepage at Unicamp - State University of Campinas - Brazil - You find some khoros toolboxes , several Khoros related informations. It is also a official Khoros ftp site.
Mathematical Morphology at IME - Institute of Mathematics and Statistics - University of São Paulo - Brazil - There is an on-line tutorial on Mathematical Morphology and on the MMACH Khoros mathematical morphology toolbox.
National Institute of Spatial Researches - INPE - São José dos Campos - Brazil - There is an on-line tutorial on image processing techniques and the SPRING geoprocessing system (in portuguese).