

The Research Group

At the heart of every scientific breakthrough lie curiosity, dedication, and collaboration. Here, at the Research Group in Microfluidic & Photoelectrocatalytic Engineering, we embody these principles to contribute with meaningful insights into the fields of photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, and microfluidics, with a special interest in developing sustainable decarbonization technologies.

As a research group rooted within a Jesuit institution and aligned with its ethos, we believe that scientific inquiry is not just a pursuit of knowledge but also a profound reflection of our commitment to the greater good. Inspired by Jesuit ideals, we aim not only for answers but for understanding and purpose, viewing each challenge as an opportunity to engage deeply with the world and harness science in the service of humanity.

With this mission, our team aspires to form a diverse ensemble of researchers, scholars, and innovators. Together, we explore complex challenges of nano-scale catalysis and how these innovative processes can be intensified using microstructured reaction spaces. We do so using an ab-initio approach, with computational chemical and fluid dynamics modeling, combined with practical, hands-on experimental developments, including new equipment design. We believe that the multidisciplinary arrangement between chemistry, materials science, and chemical engineering is key to making future technologies a reality for sustainable development.

Beyond research, we're dedicated to creating a learning and mentorship environment. Our group is proactive in integrating sustainability and innovation into our teaching assignments, using transdisciplinary and active learning methodologies that stimulate the development of important soft skills that help shaping individuals into not just outstanding professionals, but also compassionate human beings. We're also eager to expand our collaborations with institutions worldwide, host workshops, and offer research opportunities.

We invite you to explore our page, learn more about our current projects, and perhaps discover ways to collaborate or engage with us! Science is made of collective efforts, and every question, idea, or insight brings us one step closer to understanding the ever-evolving world of Chemical Engineering.

Welcome aboard, get in touch, and thank you for your interest in our research! :)


Research lines

Here are the primary areas of research explored in our lab:

Photocatalysis for environmental & energy applications

Harnessing the full potential of sunlight!

Advanced Oxidation Processes

Developing new reactors and processes for sustainable water treatment

Microreactor design & fabrication

Exploring the world of microfluidics and manufacturing

Computational chemistry for Chemical Engineering

Bringing in theoretical chemistry to solve real-world problems

Laboratory Equipment

Here are the equipment directly managed by our lab:

- One Robocasting 3D printer with two extrusion slots (DuraCer C-01);
- One Razor Prodigy workstation with software for 3D modeling and simulation, and quantum chemical calculations;
- Anular photochemical reactors for photocatalyst testing in liquid-phase systems.

Some equipment are available for booking (upon consultation) through the National Research Infrastructure Platform here.

Research Projects

Here are the most recent (5 yrs) research projects in which I have had the opportunity to participate or coordinate:

2024-2026: Development of structured catalysts for the photocatalytic synthesis of ammonia.

Coordinator: Dr. Bruno Ramos (FEI)
Sponsored by: FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo

Project repository available here.

2021-2024: Band structure engineering of dual absorber semiconductors applied to produce green hydrogen and conversion of carbon dioxide into valuable chemical products.

Coordinator: Dr. Renato Vitalino Gonçalves (IFSC/USP)
Sponsored by: RCGI - Research Center for Greenhouse Gas Innovation

2018-2022: Production of organic molecules from CO2 and H2O by photocatalysis in nano-oxides.

Coordinator: Dr. Douglas Gouvea (EP/USP)
Sponsored by: RCGI - Research Center for Greenhouse Gas Innovation

2020-2022: Environmental fate of emerging pollutants in surface waters and sustainable alternatives for their mitigation: a hybrid experimental & theoretical approach.

Coordinator: Dr. Antonio Carlos Silva Costa Teixeira (EP/USP)
Sponsored by: FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo

2019-2021: Solar degradation of pollutants of emerging concern: photoreactors and innovative treatments.

Coordinator: Dr. Antonio Carlos Silva Costa Teixeira (EP/USP)
Sponsored by: FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo

Most recent publications

Latest research papers (2025):

1. CAP Alves, PH Palharim, B Pratto, AL da Silva, D Gouvêa & B Ramos. "Photocatalytic ammonia synthesis from nitrogen in water using iron oxides: Comparative efficiency of goethite, magnetite, and hematite". Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, v. 460, p. 116159, March 2025. DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2024.116159

2. LP de Souza, FO Sanches-Neto, JCO Ribeiro, B. Ramos, VH Carvalho-Silva & ACSC Teixeira. "Screening techniques as a preliminary diagnostic tool for advanced oxidative processes on a laboratory scale". Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, v. 19, p. 13, January 2025. DOI: 10.1007/s11705-024-2517-y.

3. GM Fortes, AL da Silva, B. Ramos, J Bettini, FC Fonseca, RV Gonçalves, OR Junior & D Gouvêa. "Cl-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity via Selective Surface Lixiviation: Implications for Acetaminophen Degradation". ACS Applied Nano Materials, in press, January 2025. DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.4c06747

4. MH Fernandes, B. Ramos, AL da Silva, ACSC Teixeira & D Gouvêa. "Photocatalytic activity in anatase TiO2 nanoparticles: Key insights from additive segregation and transition metal oxide doping". Ceramics International, in press, January 2025. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2025.01.055

5. C Gusmão, PH Palharim, B. Ramos, D Gouvêa, OR Júnior & ACSC Teixeira. "Innovative defect engineering: A novel synthesis approach for an efficient Ti3+-TiO2/SiO2 gas-phase-photocatalyst under UV–VIS radiation". Ceramics International, in press, March 2025. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2025.03.172

A comprehensive list with all our publications can be found at my google scholar page.

Latest conference papers (2024):

1. CASSEB, Y.S.; Ramos, B. "Síntese de óxidos de ferro nanoparticulados para fixação fotocatalítica de nitrogênio" In: XIV Simpósio de Iniciação Científica, Didática e de Ações Sociais da FEI, São Bernardo do Campo. Anais do XIV SICFEI. October 2024.

2. OLIVEIRA, RP; Ramos, B. "Montagem e validação de estação de trabalho para ensaios de fotorredução de nitrogênio" In: XIV Simpósio de Iniciação Científica, Didática e de Ações Sociais da FEI, São Bernardo do Campo. Anais do XIV SICFEI. October 2024.

3. OLIVEIRA, J.V.G; Ramos, B. "Prototipagem e avaliação de uma célula de combustível direta de amônia com eletrólitos alcalinos" In: XIV Simpósio de Iniciação Científica, Didática e de Ações Sociais da FEI, São Bernardo do Campo. Anais do XIV SICFEI. October 2024.

4. ZIMATH, D.O.L.; Ramos, B. "Desenvolvimento de eletrodos de difusão gasosa sustentáveis para células de combustível" In: XIV Simpósio de Iniciação Científica, Didática e de Ações Sociais da FEI, São Bernardo do Campo. Anais do XIV SICFEI. October 2024.

5. Ramos, B.; PALHARIM, P.H.; PEREIRA, R.K.S.; ASSIS, G.C.; BARBOSA, A.L.; TEIXEIRA, A.C.S.C. "Immobilized WO3-Ag-AgCl photocatalyst for the degradation of pharmaceutical contaminants in a continuous flat-plate photochemical reactor" In: VI Conferencia Iberoamericana em Processos Oxidativos Avançados (CIPOA), Florianópolis. Anais do VI CIPOA. October 2024.

6. Ramos, B.; SOUZA, L.P.; SOUZA, I.M.G.; SILVA, R.S.S.; LANZA, M.R.V.; TEIXEIRA, A.C.S.C. "Exploring fluoxetine removal using an electro Fenton-like approach: hydrodynamics and experimental design" In: VI Conferencia Iberoamericana em Processos Oxidativos Avançados (CIPOA), Florianópolis. Anais do VI CIPOA. October 2024.

7. KLANOVICZ, N.; BORDIN, E.R.; BUBA, L.C.; Ramos, B.; CESTARI, M.M.; TREICHEL, H.; TEIXEIRA, A.C.S.C. "Continuous-flow carbamazepine removal from contaminated wastewater by hybrid enzymatic photo-oxidative treatment" In: VI Conferencia Iberoamericana em Processos Oxidativos Avançados (CIPOA), Florianópolis. Anais do VI CIPOA. October 2024.

8. CUNHA, I.L.C.; Ramos, B.; FABBRI, D.; KULAY, L. "Selection and pre-design of tertiary treatment technologies for wastewater from the flexographic industry" In: VI Conferencia Iberoamericana em Processos Oxidativos Avançados (CIPOA), Florianópolis. Anais do VI CIPOA. October 2024.

9. BARBOSA, A.L.; PALHARIM, P.H.; DA SILVA, A.L.; GOUVÊA, D.; Ramos, B. "Robocasting fabrication of TiO2-supported WO3 catalysts for the solar-driven production of ammonia" In: XXII Meeting of the Brazilian Materials Research Society (BMRS), São Carlos. Anais do XXII B-MRS. October 2024.

10. ALVES, C.A.P.; DA SILVA, A.L.; MARTINS, V.L.; Ramos, B.; GOUVÊA, D. "Synthesis of green ammonia from Cl-doped nano-Fe2O3: the role of interfacial segregation" In: XXII Meeting of the Brazilian Materials Research Society (BMRS), São Carlos. Anais do XXII B-MRS. October 2024.

11. SILVA, G.T.; COSTA, F.M.; KLANOVICZ, N.; Ramos, B.; POÇO, J.G.R.; NOVAZZI, L.F.; TREICHEL, H.; TEIXEIRA, A.C.S.C.; OLIVIERI, G. "Computational Fluid Dynamics to Estimate Residence Time Distribution in Microreactors" In: I Latin American Microfluidics Conference (LAMic), São Carlos. Anais do I LAMic. August 2024.

12. Ramos, B.; DA SILVA, C.A.M.; OLIVIERI, G.V.; PRATTO, B.; NOVAZZI, L.F., "Desenvolvendo o pensamento PSE na graduação através de uma trilha de disciplinas integradoras" In: III Congresso Brasileiro em Engenharia de Sistemas em Processos (PSE), São Paulo. Anais do PSEBR 2024. July 2024.

13. VIEIRA, MP.; BRITO, FL.; ESCOCARD, G.; GARAVATTI, M.; Ramos, B., "Produção de hidrogênio via rota fotocatalítica" In: IV Web Encontro Nacional de Engenharia Química, Online. Anais do IV WENDEQ. July 2024.

14. OLIVEIRA, R.P.; CASSEB, Y.S.; PALHARIM, P.H.; Ramos, B., "Produção de amônia a partir da redução fotocatalítica do nitrogênio molecular" In: IV Web Encontro Nacional de Engenharia Química, Online. Anais do IV WENDEQ. July 2024.

15. da SILVA, AL.; FERNANDES, MH.; Ramos, B.; BETTINI, J.; TEIXEIRA, ACSC.; GOUVEA, D. "Atividade Fotocatalítica de Nanopartículas de TiO2 dopadas com metais de transição: efeito da adição de dopantes e da segregação de superfície" In: 68° Congresso Brasileiro de Cerâmica, Santos. Anais do 68° CBC. June 2024.

16. CINTRA, RT.; Ramos, B.; GOUVEA, D. "Enhancing solar fuel production by CO2 photoreduction using transition metal oxide catalysts in reactors prepared by additive manufacturing" In: 12th European Conference on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Energy and Environmental Applications, Belfast. SPEA12 Book of Abstracts p. 224. June 2024.

17. DANTAS, AOS.; ACOSTA, AML.; Ramos, B.; SILVA, DP.; SCALIZE, PS.; Silva, VHC.; TEIXEIRA, ACSC. "Environmental fate of pesticides in sunlit waters: kinetic study and mathematical simulations" In: 12th European Conference on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Energy and Environmental Applications, Belfast. SPEA12 Book of Abstracts, p.417. June 2024

18. CASSEB, YS.; OLIVEIRA, RP.; GONCALVES, PCP.; ALVES, CAP.; PRATTO, B.; GOUVEA, D.; Ramos, B. "Exploring iron oxide nanoparticles for the photocatalytic reduction of N2 in water under simulated solar light" In: 12th European Conference on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Energy and Environmental Applications, Belfast. SPEA12 Book of Abstracts, p.226. June 2024

19. Silva, GT; COSTA, F.; KLANOVICZ, N.; Ramos, B.; POÇO, JGR; NOVAZZI, LF; TREICHEL, H.; TEIXEIRA, ACSC; OLIVIERI, GV. "Computational Fluid Dynamics to Estimate Residence Time Distribution: Application to an Aqueous Enzymatic Flow" In: 28th International Symposium for Chemical Reaction Engineering, Turku. ISCRE28 Book of Abstracts. June 2024

20. NESTI, M.; TORRES, RB.; SANTOS, RG.; Ramos, B.; OLIVIERI, GV. "Application of the UNIFAC Model for the Prediction of Partition Coefficients of Peracids in the Water-Soybean Oil System" In: XII Congresso Brasileiro de Termodinâmica, Curitiba. Anais do XII CBTermo. May 2024

21. Ramos, B.; ALVES, CAP.; SILVA, AL.; MARTINS, VL.; GOUVEA, D. "On the microstructural and optoelectric modifications induced by selective Si segregation in nanosized TiO2" In: XII Congresso Brasileiro de Termodinâmica, Curitiba. Anais do XII CBTermo. May 2024

22. Ramos, B.; OLIVIERI, GV.; SANCHES-NETO, FO.; Silva, VHC.; TORRES, RB. "A DFT investigation of the N2 reactivity with metallic nanoclusters for enhancing the photocatalytic synthesis of Ammonia" In: XII Congresso Brasileiro de Termodinâmica, Curitiba. Anais do XII CBTermo. May 2024


The algorithm behind the data!


Douglas Gouvêa

Full Professor

Materials Engineering, EP-USP

Advanced ceramics and interface engineering
Antonio Carlos

Antonio Carlos S.C. Teixeira

Associate Professor

Chemical Engineering, EP-USP

Advanced Oxidation Processes

Valter H. Carvalho-Silva

Associate Professor

Chemistry, UEG

Theoretical chemistry and chemical kinetics

Gustavo V. Olivieri

Assistant Professor

Chemical Engineering, FEI

Thermodynamics and Reactors
Andre Luiz

Andre Luiz da Silva

Assistant Professor

Materials Engineering, EP-USP

Materials for sustainable energy

Geovânia Cordeiro

Post-doc Associate

Chemical Engineering, EP-USP

Photocatalysis engineering with Lewis acids

Larissa Pinheiro de Souza

DSc in Chemical Engineering, EP-USP (2020-2024)

Design and evaluation of electrochemical reactors for AOPs

Anderson Luis Barbosa

PhD in Materials Engineering, EP-USP

3D printing of advanced ceramics

Cátia Alves Podence

PhD in Materials Engineering, EP-USP

Modified hematites for energy storage

Renata de Toledo Cintra

MSc in Materials Engineering, EP-USP

Design of mesoscale reactors for artificial photosynthesis

Felipe Colares

MSc in Chemical Engineering, FEI

Thermodynamic properties of 1,4-dioxane mixtures

Ariel P. Lima

MSc in Materials Engineering, EP-USP

Design of microfluidic LTCC reactors for photothermal CO2 conversion

Yasmin Casseb

Chemical Engineering, FEI (UG, 2024)

Synthesis and evaluation of nanostructured iron oxides

Rebeca Palma de Oliveira

Chemical Engineering, FEI (UG, 2024)

Design and assembly of a photocatalytic system

João Vitor Gaspar Oliveira

Chemical Engineering, FEI

Design of a Direct Ammonia Fuel Cell (DAFC)

Bianca Ribeiro Binelli

Chemical Engineering, FEI

Production and uses of biocharcoal from textile waste

Eng. Thesis Group

Chemical Engineering, FEI

Simulation of a photocatalytic H2 plant FL Brito, GTE de Souza, MGS Ramos, MP Vieira

Carolina Mendes Furlan Ferreira

Chemical Engineering, FEI

3D-printing of ceramic supports

Davi de Oliveira Lima Zimath

Mechanical Engineering, FEI

Development of Gas-Diffusion Electrodes for fuel cells

Eng. Thesis Group

Chemical Engineering, FEI

Development of green sunscreen IG de Oliveira, IJ Campos, GB Gallo, RB Mariano


List of undergraduate and graduate courses:

Undergraduate courses

Unit Operations IV (QCO-050)

Chemical Engineering Program (FEI)

Integrated Chemical Engineering I (QCI-030)

Chemical Engineering Program (FEI)

Integrated Chemical Engineering II (QCI-040)

Chemical Engineering Program (FEI)

Graduate Courses

Analysis and Modelling of Chemical Reactors (PEQ-401)

Master Program in Chemical Engineering (FEI)

Fundamentals of Colloids and Interfaces (PEQ-407)

Master Program in Chemical Engineering (FEI)

Advanced Water Treatment Technologies (MOL-616)

Master Program in Molecular Sciences (UEG)

Partner Labs

Explore the pages of our partner labs:

Brazilian research groups

Research Group in Advanced Oxidation Processes

Department of Chemical Engineering, Escola Politécnica, USP

Laboratory of Ceramics Processes

Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Escola Politécnica, USP

Micromanufacturing Laboratory

Bionanomanufacturing Center, Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo

Overseas partnerships

Ookawara Lab

Department of Chemical Science & Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Dr. Ramos


Dr. Ramos, the head of the Group, is an Industrial Chemist whose research focuses on photocatalysis, computational chemistry and microfluidics. During his studies towards a Bachelor's degree from Goias State University in 2007, he explored Density Functional Theory (DFT) and molecular modeling for his thesis project at the QTEA research group. For his Master's degree, completed at Escola Politécnica (Universidade de São Paulo) in 2009, Dr. Ramos researched the applications of DFT in predicting reaction rates and their uses in designing chemical reactors for Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). In 2014, he received his Doctorate of Engineering (D.Eng.) from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. His doctoral research centered on the application of microfluidics to intensify AOP equipment, at Ookawara Laboratory. Upon returning to Brazil, Dr. Ramos received a FAPESP Post-Doctoral scholarship, allowing him to investigate novel reactors for photocatalysis. During this period, he spent time as a visiting scholar at Università degli Studi di Palermo, working under Prof. Alberto Brucato on the modeling of photocatalytic reactors. Afterwards, he collaborated with the Research Center for Greenhouse Gas Innovation (RCGI), where he was involved in photocatalytic CO2 reduction and reactor development projects. Before his current role as an Assistant Professor at FEI, Dr. Ramos was a part of the research team at the Bionanomanufacturing Center of the São Paulo State Institute of Technological Research. There, he concentrated on the use of microfluidics for Process Intensification. Dr. Ramos values the collaborative aspects of both academic and industrial research and is committed to contributing further to the field of sustainable chemical engineering.

Current positions:


Feel free to get in touch and learn more about our research and teaching activities!
Av. Humberto de A. Castelo Branco, 3972 - São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil 09850-901