At the heart of every scientific breakthrough lie curiosity, dedication, and collaboration. Here, at the Research Group in Microfluidic & Photoelectrocatalytic Engineering, we embody these principles to contribute with meaningful insights into the fields of photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, and microfluidics, with a special interest in developing sustainable decarbonization technologies.
As a research group rooted within a Jesuit institution and aligned with its ethos, we believe that scientific inquiry is not just a pursuit of knowledge but also a profound reflection of our commitment to the greater good. Inspired by Jesuit ideals, we aim not only for answers but for understanding and purpose, viewing each challenge as an opportunity to engage deeply with the world and harness science in the service of humanity.
With this mission, our team aspires to form a diverse ensemble of researchers, scholars, and innovators. Together, we explore complex challenges of nano-scale catalysis and how these innovative processes can be intensified using microstructured reaction spaces. We do so using an ab-initio approach, with computational chemical and fluid dynamics modeling, combined with practical, hands-on experimental developments, including new equipment design. We believe that the multidisciplinary arrangement between chemistry, materials science, and chemical engineering is key to making future technologies a reality for sustainable development.
Beyond research, we're dedicated to creating a learning and mentorship environment. Our group is proactive in integrating sustainability and innovation into our teaching assignments, using transdisciplinary and active learning methodologies that stimulate the development of important soft skills that help shaping individuals into not just outstanding professionals, but also compassionate human beings. We're also eager to expand our collaborations with institutions worldwide, host workshops, and offer research opportunities.
We invite you to explore our page, learn more about our current projects, and perhaps discover ways to collaborate or engage with us! Science is made of collective efforts, and every question, idea, or insight brings us one step closer to understanding the ever-evolving world of Chemical Engineering.
Welcome aboard, get in touch, and thank you for your interest in our research! :)
Harnessing the full potential of sunlight!
Developing new reactors and processes for sustainable water treatment
Exploring the world of microfluidics and manufacturing
Bringing in theoretical chemistry to solve real-world problems
Coordinator: Dr. Bruno Ramos (FEI)
Sponsored by: FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Coordinator: Dr. Renato Vitalino Gonçalves (IFSC/USP)
Sponsored by: RCGI - Research Center for Greenhouse Gas Innovation
Coordinator: Dr. Douglas Gouvea (EP/USP)
Sponsored by: RCGI - Research Center for Greenhouse Gas Innovation
Coordinator: Dr. Antonio Carlos Silva Costa Teixeira (EP/USP)
Sponsored by: FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Coordinator: Dr. Antonio Carlos Silva Costa Teixeira (EP/USP)
Sponsored by: FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Latest research papers (2025):
A comprehensive list with all our publications can be found at my google scholar page.
Latest conference papers (2024):
The algorithm behind the data!
Full Professor
Materials Engineering, EP-USP
Advanced ceramics and interface engineeringAssociate Professor
Chemical Engineering, EP-USP
Advanced Oxidation ProcessesAssociate Professor
Chemistry, UEG
Theoretical chemistry and chemical kineticsAssistant Professor
Materials Engineering, EP-USP
Materials for sustainable energyPost-doc Associate
Chemical Engineering, EP-USP
Photocatalysis engineering with Lewis acidsDSc in Chemical Engineering, EP-USP (2020-2024)
Design and evaluation of electrochemical reactors for AOPsMSc in Materials Engineering, EP-USP
Design of mesoscale reactors for artificial photosynthesisMSc in Materials Engineering, EP-USP
Design of microfluidic LTCC reactors for photothermal CO2 conversionChemical Engineering, FEI (UG, 2024)
Synthesis and evaluation of nanostructured iron oxidesChemical Engineering, FEI (UG, 2024)
Design and assembly of a photocatalytic systemChemical Engineering, FEI
Production and uses of biocharcoal from textile wasteChemical Engineering, FEI
Simulation of a photocatalytic H2 plant FL Brito, GTE de Souza, MGS Ramos, MP VieiraChemical Engineering, FEI
3D-printing of ceramic supportsMechanical Engineering, FEI
Development of Gas-Diffusion Electrodes for fuel cellsChemical Engineering, FEI
Development of green sunscreen IG de Oliveira, IJ Campos, GB Gallo, RB MarianoList of undergraduate and graduate courses:
Chemical Engineering Program (FEI)
Chemical Engineering Program (FEI)
Chemical Engineering Program (FEI)
Master Program in Chemical Engineering (FEI)
Master Program in Chemical Engineering (FEI)
Master Program in Molecular Sciences (UEG)
Explore the pages of our partner labs:
Department of Chemical Engineering, Escola Politécnica, USP
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Escola Politécnica, USP
Goias State University
Bionanomanufacturing Center, Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de São Paulo
Department of Chemical Science & Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology