- Software for the experiments in the paper "Collaborative Monte Carlo Localization Using Dynamic Landmarks", by Aislan Almeida, Danilo Perico and Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi, under review:
- Software for the experiments in the paper "A Robot Simulator Based on the Cross Architecture for the Development of Cognitive Robotics", by Danilo Perico, Thiago Homem, Aislan Almeida, Isaac Silva, Claudio Vilao, Vinicius Nicassio and Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi, under review:
- Software for the experiments in the paper "Collaborative Communication of Qualitative Spatial Perceptions for Multi-Robot Systems", by Danilo Perico, Paulo E. Santos, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras and Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi. In: International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning @ IJCAI-16, 2016, New York. v. 29. p. 77-84.
- Software for the experiments in the paper "Qualitative Case-based Reasoning applied to Humanoid Robot Soccer: a new retrieval and reuse algorithm", by Thiago Homem, Danilo Perico, Paulo E. Santos, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras and Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi, under review:
- Software for the experiments in the paper "Determining Automatic Teller Machine Locations Using a Hybrid Artificial Immune System", by Ricardo de Carvalho Destro and Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi, under review:
- Software for the experiments in the paper "Incorporating Hybrid Operators on an Immune Based Framework for Multiobjective Optimization", by Ricardo de Carvalho Destro and Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi, under review::
- Software for the experiments in the paper "Incorporating Hybrid Operators on an Immune Based Framework for Multiobjective Optimization", by Ricardo de Carvalho Destro and Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi, published at The IEEE System Man and Cybernetics Conference 2015:
- Software for the experiments in the paper "Using Reinforcement Learning to Improve the Stability of a Humanoid Robot: Walking on Sloped Terrain", by Isaac Jesus Silva, Danilo Hernani Perico, Thiago Pedro Donadon Homem, Claudio De Oliveira Vilao Jr., Flavio Tonidandel and Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi, published at the IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium 2015:
- Source code for learning phase,
- Source code for walking phase, with gait generation based on the Darwin-OP.
- Selected software for the experiments in the paper "Transferring Knowledge as Heuristics in Reinforcement Learning: a case-based approach", by Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi, Luiz A. Celiberto Junior, Paulo E. Santos, Jackson P. Matsuura, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras is avalable as:
- source code here, or as a
- VMware Virtual Machine here.
- Software for the RoboFEI-HT - The FEI RoboCup Humanoid Team - is avaliable at the project homepage.
last updated august 27th, 2015
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